Sunday, August 2, 2009

Already August!

I can hardly believe that it's already August. Every year, we plan and work in preparation for and anticipation of the Summer growing season and every year it seems to start ending before it's even really begun. In a couple weeks, kids will start back to school and people's mindsets will shift to Fall. But the reality for those of us who farm for a living is that Summer is just getting started in earnest and we have miles and months to go before we rest.

Around here, we have a lovely, long growing season. We can usually count on a season that begins in April and lasts at least until Halloween. When we get the heat that is needed for tomatoes, peppers, melons, and cucumbers to thrive is often unpredictable, but it always arrives...eventually. So far, the Summer has been cool, which means that most crops have been slow to ripen. Red tomatoes are changing color faster than I am able to pick them, but the beautiful, large heirlooms are dilly-dallying. Our pepper plants are growing into strong bushes, but the pepper fruits themselves are slow to mature and color. Our watermelons, cucumbers, and beans are growing along steadily, but are taking their sweet time. All these wonderful fruits and vegetables will be ready for us to harvest eventually, but it just means that you can't stop thinking about and enjoying the Summer season quite yet. The kids may go back to school and the fair may be over, but there is still much to look forward to as far as good, fresh food is concerned.

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