Ariel and her husband, Jeff, run a sustainable farm in Sonoma County. Manned solely by a crew of two, Jeff and Ariel grow their crops with care and attention. The result of their labor is produce and poultry of the highest quality. Visit our website at for more farm info!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Market News
What can you expect to see from us at the market? We have beautiful cut lettuce mix, arugula, chard, kale, broccoli, eggs, and more of our soon to be world famous chile peppers. Also, a note about our eggs. We ARE bringing eggs to the farmer's market these days, so even if you don't see them out on the table, ask if we have them stashed somewhere.
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and we'll see you at the market!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
It's Raining...It's Pouring...
Well, personally, I love the rain. After months of dry, dusty weather and rock hard ground, rain provides refreshment, cleansing, and saturation that makes the season's finale much easier. Believe me, tearing out crops is infinitely less tiresome when the ground is moist and soft. The rain also recharges the moisture in the ground, allowing us to grow beautiful greens and winter crops. Recharging the groundwater table is especially important for us because we try to use as little water and irrigation as possible.
What, if anything, does the rain harm? Ripe tomatoes still on the vine are prone to splitting and rot, as are figs. Unharvested winter squash (pumpkins included)needs to be watched that it doesn't start to rot or mold. Everything else, however, does ok in the rain. Some crops, such as kale, chard, lettuce, and other greens, even thrive with a rain bath.
A word of warning, though, for those planning on buying tomatoes after the storm. Smell them! Feel them! Pick them up! For tomatoes to be flavorful, they should smell like tomatoes, they should feel heavy for their size, and feel firm to the touch. Remember, tomatoes picked green and hard will eventually turn color, but they will not necessarily develop delicious flavor. Many tomatoes that you find after the first storm will have been picked green and unripe prior to the rain in an attempt to save them from being ruined. So do yourself a favor and thoroughly investigate your tomatoes before buying them so as not to be disapointed.
Peppers are a crop not adversely affected by the rain - they actually benefit from a gentle rain washing. They emerge from the storm clean and polished, ready for action. And speaking of peppers, I have to share my pepper preparation discovery. I cut our italian roasting peppers lengthwise, drizzled them with a little bit of olive oil, and sprinkled them with salt and pepper. I then put them in the oven at about 400 degrees and let them roast for about 10-15 minutes. Once they're a bit soft and starting to look good and roasted, I put a little bit of herb chevre (fresh, soft goat cheese) in them and put them back in the oven for about 5 minutes. Once the pepper are soft and the cheese is bubbly, take them out of the oven and enjoy!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Hooray for the Farm Stand!
For starters, I’d like to apologize for not updating the blog more often. Despite my best laid plans, finding time to sit down and write about what we’re doing on the farm has been difficult. I have a really good excuse though! Most every moment that I’m not picking, planting, weeding, seeding, or selling at a farmer’s market, I’m working at the Farm Stand. And let me tell you, the Farm Stand is a wonderful way to spend my time! Jeff and I really wanted to open a stand as a way of making the things we grow more accessible to the people and families who live in the neighborhoods surrounding the farm. We expected that it would be fairly successful, but anticipated that it would be slow going in this, it’s first season. Boy, were we wrong! Every day that we’re open, more people stop by and get so excited about what they find. Our clientele is growing quickly and with our growing popularity, Jeff and I are afire with ideas of new things to grow, programs to launch, events to hold.
The Farm Stand has rekindled my enthusiasm for growing food in the way that we do. I am so excited that our farm is becoming a part of the daily lives of people all over Santa Rosa. The thing I enjoy most is that our Farm Stand customers are all different. We have parents shopping with their kids who use the Stand as an opportunity to talk about how veggies are grown and to plan dinner together. We have folks who live in retirement communities and come stock up on tomatoes to share with their friends and neighbors. We have people who are shopping for special dinner parties and people who are simply shopping for that night’s dinner. We have caterers and chefs, the affluent and the not so affluent, those who really care about where veggies are grown and those who stop mostly because it’s convenient. All of these different people have one thing in common though – they all go home with our clean, fresh-picked, delicious fruits and veggies. I love that folks all over Santa Rosa (and probably beyond) enjoy the fruits of our labor. Making healthy, local food accessible and convenient to people from all walks of life is incredibly gratifying and makes all the hard work worthwhile.
So, in sum, THANK YOU for supporting us. Your encouragement, patronage, enthusiasm, and smiling faces are the fuel that we need to keep going and growing. Keep sending the feedback, ideas, and requests, because we’re constantly planning what’s next.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
September News
We hope everyone's prepared because the chickens are about to be ready! The first slaughter day is this Tuesday, September 1st! We are slaughtering over a three week period to give our customers more choice over their chicken's size, so there is still plenty of time to place your order. If you want more information about the chickens and the ordering process, please email us at
At the risk of boring you with even more farm stand news, our hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3 to 6pm. Our location is 55 Middle Rincon Rd, Santa Rosa, CA 95404.
Why should you check out the farm stand? For DISCOUNTS and GREAT DEALS, of course! In addition to the same high quality produce we have at the Farmer's Market, we also offer a wider variety of fruit and discounted produce selections (think squishy tomatoes and blistered peppers).
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Already August!
Around here, we have a lovely, long growing season. We can usually count on a season that begins in April and lasts at least until Halloween. When we get the heat that is needed for tomatoes, peppers, melons, and cucumbers to thrive is often unpredictable, but it always arrives...eventually. So far, the Summer has been cool, which means that most crops have been slow to ripen. Red tomatoes are changing color faster than I am able to pick them, but the beautiful, large heirlooms are dilly-dallying. Our pepper plants are growing into strong bushes, but the pepper fruits themselves are slow to mature and color. Our watermelons, cucumbers, and beans are growing along steadily, but are taking their sweet time. All these wonderful fruits and vegetables will be ready for us to harvest eventually, but it just means that you can't stop thinking about and enjoying the Summer season quite yet. The kids may go back to school and the fair may be over, but there is still much to look forward to as far as good, fresh food is concerned.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Farm Stand Now Open!
Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 3-6 pm
Location: Our Farm
Middle Rincon Rd and Hwy 12
Santa Rosa, CA
If you want to look us up on mapquest, our physical address is 55 Middle Rincon Rd, Santa Rosa, CA (however don't send us mail there, we won't get it!).
We are selling an abundance of tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, eggs, basil, beans, and have so much more to come.
Please pass the word along to your friends and neighbors - we can use all the word of mouth help we can get.
Hope to see you all soon!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Open House and Farm Tours!
To recap, here are the details:
Farm Tours and Open House
Date: Sunday, May 27th
Time: 11:00 -4:00
Tours begin at: 11:00 and 2:00
Location: 55 Middle Rincon Rd, Santa Rosa, CA 95409
Please park in the gravel parking lot next to the feed store. I anticipate having a sign out, so our location should be very clear.
Snacks and beverages will be provided.
If you have any questions, please email us at or call Jeff at (707) 953-8671 or Ariel at (707) 953-6150.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
History repeats itself...

History and time flow in cycles. Fifty years ago, practically everyone with the space had a backyard garden. Gardening, especially veggie gardening, was an essential aspect of life. Folks knew what real tomatoes tasted like, they knew just how amazing fresh picked sweet corn is, and they understood the seasons and the importance of canning and preserving in order to eat a well-balanced diet year round. Then, with the rise of the shipping industry, our concept of seasonality started to dissapear. We became subject to our desire for instant gratification and started eating fruits and vegetables from all over the world all year long. Factory farming and mass production made everything accessible, but simultaneously stripped the nutrition from our food and made it far too easy to know nothing about producing our own food. We became a society of people who want, need, feel like we deserve to eat tomatoes in winter and who eat out five nights a week.
Friday, April 3, 2009
What a Winter!
Nothing puts life in perspective quite like traveling. Jeff and I both love to adventure and so we jumped at the chance to take a trip to Europe this last January. We loosely planned our journey and set out with backpacks to conquer the land across the pond.